This course, titled Introduction to CRVS Systems Improvement Framework, provides a key learning opportunity for the strengthening of civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems in low- and middle-income countries and for enhancing CRVS systems processes. It offers a strong introduction to the Framework and provides the insight needed to support system improvement. This module is suited for senior government officials, policymakers, or development partners who support CRVS systems strengthening who may not need the level of detail offered in the Full Learning Program.
Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) Systems Improvement Framework [Full Learning Program]
The CRVS Systems Improvement Framework provides countries with the tools to assess and improve their CRVS systems and processes that brings stakeholders together to solve problems. The Framework's purpose is to guide the analysis, redesign, and monitoring of the business processes that are at the foundation of CRVS systems. For example, these include the review, revision, and measurement of end-to-end activities for registering births and deaths, and assigning causes of death for vital events occurring both in and outside of health facilities. The course provides detailed and interactive learning materials to build skills to apply resources and tools from the framework. This self-guided e-learning course is designed to help CRVS system planners and administrators implement the Framework. There are three modules that complement the framework.